June 19, 2023
CEO & Chief Strategiest at Behind the Design
Hey, I am jumping in to give you a quick tip video. Did you know that 90% of consumers surveyed say that video helps them make a buying decision? I find that stat interesting because it tells me you can sell even when sleeping. So video has become and will continue to be a huge marketing strategy to help design businesses like yours grow.
I bet you are wondering what videos you would create to help sell your design services right now. So here is one idea for you. First, why not answer a question. As interior designers, we often get commonly asked questions. So grab your phone, ensure you are in good light, and start recording as if you’re talking to someone sitting across the table.
In the opening statement, start with the question. A little anecdote or context may help as well. Then go into your answer. Explain the answer so the non-designer can understand it. Don’t be afraid to show your personality.
If you struggle to get started with video, we are here.
I can tell you from experience that it takes time to get comfortable on video. I am still struggling with it.
Be sure to download the “Complete Guide to Get Started Creating Video Content,” as two pages are dedicated to being in front of the camera. I have heard the more you do it, the better you will get. So get out there and start creating videos. If you found this tip helpful, sign up for our newsletter, where I share great tips and resources to help interior designers.
Jacqueline Green is the driving force behind Behind the Design, a company dedicated to helping interior designers, architects, and creative entrepreneurs thrive through education, training, and marketing services. As founder, CEO, and Chief Strategist, she combines education, coaching, and marketing to empower business owners to achieve their goals. Her leadership is transforming how creative professionals build successful businesses, creating a community of empowered entrepreneurs.